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Archive of IASC Reports & Publications

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Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner Archive

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The Fight Against Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

This report examines how victims of modern slavery experience the criminal justice system, comparing processes in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands, and the US.

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National Enforcement Powers Guide - Public Version (February 2021)

The Home Office National Enforcement Powers Guide aims to help facilitate a faster tactical multi-agency response and to use the appropriate legislation available to gain entry into commercial and residential premises, where intelligence has indicated that there could be a potential case of exploitation or modern slavery. Likewise this guide can be used to support agencies to understand and develop key processes when finding victims and offenders of exploitation, as well as wider serious and organised crime.

The guide has been coordinated and compiled by Kate Rolle, Hertfordshire Modern Slavery Partnership Coordinator at Shiva Foundation, in collaboration with Katy Parker, Project, Parliament and Communications Coordinator at the Human Trafficking Foundation (HTF) and Alan Beach, Eastern Region Coordinator in the Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Unit (MSOIC).

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Underground Lives: Pregnancy and Modern Slavery

This Hestia report shines a light on the experiences of pregnant victims of modern slavery in London.

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Supporting European Economic Area (EEA) nationals with care needs

This factsheet from No Recourse To Public Funds (NRPF) provides information to help local authorities establish a person’s support options when they are destitute or at risk of homelessness.

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IASC Policy - What we publish on our Resources Page

This document outlines the IASC policy on what we publish on this page of our website.

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Tackling modern slavery: Council case studies

In 2017, the LGA published the first guidance for councils on the various roles they can play in tackling the scourge of modern slavery.

This follow up document comprises a set of case studies from councils up and down the country, highlighting some of the good work already taking place to tackle modern slavery. It has been published alongside a guide for councillors setting out the individual role they can play on this issue.

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The Economic and Social Costs of Modern Slavery

This aim of this Home Office report is to estimate the cost of modern slavery in the UK.

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A public health approach to modern slavery - Opportunities and Challenges (November 2020)

In November 2020, and as part of the 2020 Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Festival of Social Sciences, Kings College London and the Office of the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner hosted an event to discuss the opportunities and challenges afforded by a public health approach to modern slavery.

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Underground Lives: The Reality of Modern Slavery in London in 2017

This Hestia report reveals the true face of modern slavery in London, suggesting that the problem is different in the capital in comparison with the rest of the UK.

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NILGA: Tackling Modern Slavery Guidance for Councils

Guidance from the Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA) for councils on tackling modern slavery.

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Harrowing Journeys: Children and youth on the move across the Mediterranean Sea

Harrowing Journeys: Children and youth on the move across the Mediterranean Sea, at risk of trafficking and exploitation

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Before the Harm is Done

A report by the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group analysing the UK's response to the prevention of trafficking.

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On-Ramps, Intersections and Exit Routes

This report by Polaris highlights the way industries in the private and public sector can make fundamental shifts to their systems to prevent, detect, and disrupt human trafficking.

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Class Acts

This ATMG report analyses anti-slavery legislation across the UK and highlights significant differences in a number of key areas across the three jurisdictions.

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Elmore Community Services report - Researching the extent of Modern Slavery in Oxford

A report by Elmore Community Services following research into the extent and nature of modern slavery in Oxford.

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‘Between Two Fires’: Understanding Vulnerabilities and the Support Needs of People from Albania, Vietnam and Nigeria who have experienced Human Trafficking into the UK

This is a report of a two-year research study into understanding the causes, dynamics and ‘vulnerabilities’ to human trafficking in three source countries – Albania, Vietnam and Nigeria – plus the support needs of people from these countries who have experienced trafficking and are now in the UK. The report focuses on these countries because they have consistently been among the top countries of origin for potential trafficked persons referred into the UK’s National Referral Mechanism (NRM). The study was carried out as a partnership between the University of Bedfordshire and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

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Labour Exploitation in Hand Car Washes

A new collaborative study between experts at the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham and the Office of the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, issued on 18 Oct 18, looks at the true extent and nature of modern slavery and human trafficking in hand car washes (HCW) in the UK.

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Training Framework: Identification, Care and Support of Victims and Survivors of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

This framework aims to establish clear training standards for those involved in identifying, supporting, and caring for victims/survivors of slavery and human trafficking.

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Guide to Ethics and Human Rights in Anti Human Trafficking

Issara Institute's updated guide to ensuring anti human trafficking work protects potential victims appropriately.

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‘Vulnerability’ to Human Trafficking: A Study Of Vietnam, Albania, Nigeria and the UK (Report of Shared Learning Event held in Hanoi, Vietnam: 6-7 December 2017)

This report by the IOM and University of Bedfordshire describes the first stages of an ethically-led, two-year research study into understanding the causes, dynamics and ‘vulnerabilities’ to and resilience against human trafficking in three source countries – Albania, Vietnam and Nigeria. The focus of this report is on Vietnam.

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‘Vulnerability’ to Human Trafficking: A Study Of Vietnam, Albania, Nigeria and the UK (Report of Shared Learning Event held in Lagos, Nigeria: 17-18 January 2018)

This report by the IOM and University of Bedfordshire describes the first stages of an ethically-led, two-year research study into understanding the causes, dynamics and ‘vulnerabilities’ to and resilience against human trafficking in three source countries – Albania, Vietnam and Nigeria. The focus of this report is on Nigeria.

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Still No Way Out

A report by the Prison Reform Trust and Hibiscus Initiatives on foreign national women and trafficked women in the criminal justice system.

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ICAI: The UK's approach to tackling modern slavery through the aid programme - A review

The new ICAI report looks at UK aid spending of over £200 million to tackle modern slavery in developing countries - a 'new and complex' issue for the aid programme that affects millions of people worldwide.