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Statement by the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner on the report by After Exploitation “The final piece of the puzzle”: Information sheet on modern slavery and compensation (CICA)

The Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, Eleanor Lyons, said:

“The fact that victims of modern slavery and human trafficking, that have suffered horrendous physical and psychological injury, are not accessing compensation is horrendous and a clear failing. They deserve and are entitled to compensation and more must be done to ensure they can access it. This is critical to their recovery, and preventing re-exploitation that we know can occur when victims have insufficient means to rebuild their lives.  

For this to happen, victims need more support navigating the criminal justice system and understanding and accessing the support they are legally entitled to. This is why I am calling for Independent Modern Slavery Advocates (IMSAs) to be formally recognised, for Victim Navigators to be embedded in every local police force and for improved and more consistent access to legal aid for survivors. Through these efforts, I will work tirelessly to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking victims receive the compensation that they are rightly entitled to.”

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